Here it is . . . Christmas Eve 2012 . . . and we are reflecting on the past
year, enjoying the present moment, and looking forward to the future with
eager anticipation!
2012 was a great year, the highlight of which was our fantastic,
once-in-a-lifetime 45-day Europe Travel Adventure, made possible by the
fact that our daughter Tracie and son-in-law Wes are living in Belgium, so we
were able to stay with them and take day-trips to visit several adjacent
countries. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Please click this link or click on the image below to
visit a website that we set up where you can scan through some of the thousands
of photos from our adventure. A suitable narrative is still waiting to be
written, so for now we'll have to just let the photos tell the story
and we'll add the narrative later.

While the big news last year was Jason and Monika's wedding, we neglected
to mention that Jason added yet another new job. In addition
to managing his own business, FixAim Marketing, one of his clients, Marco's
Pizza, persuaded Jason to join their team as director of local store
marketing. So now, as a first time husband, he has the awesome
challenge of managing three full time jobs. More about that later.
In May, Patti and Tracie met in Washington D.C. and took a mother-daughter
excursion to Cancun. In August, Patti and Wanda took their annual sister
trip. And in September, after too-long an absence, Joe and Patti finally
returned to Washington State for a visit -- and to celebrate Greg's 45th birthday,
and to enjoy some fun with our one-and-only grandchild, Madi, who is now six.
To see some nice studio portraits of Greg, Cathy, and Madi from our Seattle trip,
click this link.
Finally for now, if you would like to see a preview from one of our new
projects that will eventually include a full calendar of
365 short What's the good word for today messages, please
click this link.