This year, for our
Annual Christmas Letter - - Edition 2013 ...
in addition to sharing
highlights from the past year,
we are starting a new tradition to share some thoughts on
The 20 Most Important Virtues
... one for each year
... for the next 20 years ...
... we hope. This year we are focusing on
The First One
of those 20 virtues.
Please click this link for a special Christmas message.
(Then scroll down to see some of our past year's highlights.)
2013 was the 40th anniversary milestone
for two major events in our life:
(Click the blue links below to see more.)
- The founding of our management consulting firm, Communication Architects in 1973
(from which I insist that I never want to retire); and it is a special blessing that two of our clients have retained one of our services,
continuously for more than 35 years.
- 2013 was also the 40th anniversary of the genesis of our work to compile
The AV7 Bible,
and this never-ending labor of love is now continuing with development of a new electronic edition that will soon make The AV7 Bible accessible on smart phones and tablets.
- In March, Patti and Tracie took their annual mother-daughter trip, this year to
- In May, Patti returned to Belgium to visit Tracie and they took a day-trip
to Germany,
visited Ramstein Air Force Base, and went on a Rhein River Tour.
- In June, Greg came home to spend
Father's day
with his dad. (Thank you son!)
- In October, Tracie came home for a visit and to attend a conference.
- In November, Patti and Joe went on a
cruise to the Bahamas and Key West Florida.
- In November, Jason was promoted to Vice President at Marco's Pizza.
Jason & Monika
- In December, Tracie is traveling to Washington for business and then home for Christmas.
May you all enjoy the spirit of Christ(mas) which is Peace,
the blessedness of Christ(mas) which is Hope,
the heart of Christ(mas) which is Love;
and may the New Year bring all of God's richest blessings
to each and every one of you.
Hope to hear from you soon!
7514 E. Lompoc Avenue - Mesa Arizona 85209
Joe @Actionline.com &
Patti @Actionline.com
P.S. To see some of our Christmas letters from previous
click this link.