Goodness is never achievable

. . .   but it is attainable.    

The harsh reality of our temporary life on planet earth is that we can never truly achieve a state of "goodness" because we are all afflicted with a human nature that is inherently self-centered, selfish, and ultimately self-seeking.   However . . .

The fruit of the Spirit is
love, joy, peace, patience,
gentleness, goodness ...

~Galatians 5:22

So where and when and how can "goodness" ever come into our lives?

Goodness is a choice that we can all make at various points along our journey through life.   Goodness happens whenever we do something kind and generous and giving to others without expecting anything in return.   A kind word, a smile, a compliment, a donation, a gift given anonymously, taking time to write a note of appreciation.

But think about it.   What percentage of the time of your life day after day after day do you give to do any of these things?   Whatever amount of time that may be, make a personal resolution to increase it.

Jesus said, "No one is good, except God." (Luke 18:19)   God is the only one who is good at giving 100% of the time.   The best that any of us mere mortals can hope for, is to increase the amount of good that we do for others.   We will never get to 100%; however, if and as we invite and allow the Holy Spirit to come into our lives, and if and as we learn how to listen ever more closely to the voice of the Holy Spirit, He will reveal more opportunities to do good and be just a little less self-centered.