Merry Christmas 2018  . . .  Please scroll down to read our 2018 Christmas letter.

2018 has been a very different year for us.

Most of our previous Christmas letters have shared highlights of our travels in the past year and other such delights. This year, we stayed pretty close to home and only took one short excursion to Southern Arizona to go hummingbird watching. So we are counting our blessings in quite a different way.

Last year, on Christmas Day, Joe awoke with a very swollen right leg and a trip to emergency (only his second time ever). The result was a couple days in the hospital (that was just the third time I ever checked in to a hospital. The first time 40+ years ago resulted in a miracle healing!) The second time, three years ago, was for a little brain surgery that got resolved quickly, praise God. This last time was to calm down a little blood clot. Again resolved quickly.

How blessed we have been to have had so comparatively little medical adversity along the way. And yet over this past year, we have definitely been made more aware of the reality that life on planet earth is destined to be terminal.

Throughout this past year, Patti spent an uncountable amount of time and effort settling the estates of two friends who passed, one at age 99 and another at 66. Life is ultimately very brief and we surely need to give continual thanks to God for every moment of life!

So this year, we are all the more thankful to God for all of His goodness and blessings and for His promise of eternal life for all who make the decision to join His family and to follow His will for their lives.

And now we would like to share some especially wonderful Breaking News! . . . 2019 promises to bring a new addition to our family as daughter Tracie is expecting a new baby boy.

The AV7 Bible Project has continued to be Joe's primary ongoing mission and purpose focus for the past 45 years, and we have been blessed to have talented assistance of a good friend, Brady Gilley, who has "invented" and implemented a new search feature on the mobile app that is really great. Please give it a try. Soon we hope that this outstanding feature will be added to the website version, also.

Tap this link to get The AV7 Bible on your Android phone.

OR ... Tap this link to view the  website on any computer or mobile device without the app.

This is the sixth year of our tradition to share a few thoughts:
(one each year) on   The 20 Most Important Virtues.
This year, the theme is Goodness.

Please tap this link for this year's thoughts on   Goodness.

Hope to hear from you soon!

855 South 77th Place
Mesa  Arizona  85208

Joe   &   Patti

P.S.  To see our Christmas letters from previous years:  Click this link.