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Would you like to Join the Elks?

To be eligible for membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, you must be a citizen of the United States, over the age of 21 who believes in God, and of good character.

You must be sponsored by a current member of the Elks in good standing and reside in the jurisdiction of the Lodge you wish to join. The Elk member who proposes you for membership will provide a Membership Application provided by the Lodge Secretary.

After your sponsor completes the sponsors portion, you must answer all applicable questions and return the application to the Lodge Secretary.

Your application will be read at a regular Lodge meeting and it will then be forwarded to an investigating committee that will call you and set up a time for you and your sponsor to meet with the committee for an interview. After this interview, the committee will report to the Lodge and you will receive a determination after 10 days.

Upon an affirmative determination, you (and your spouse, if applicable) will be asked to attend a meeting to learn more about the Elks' Lodge programs and charities.

After your initiation as an Elk, you can then take part in all meetings, social functions, and activities of the Lodge.

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